Award-winning journalism from the Showcase collection
What Happened to the Poster Children of OxyContin?
John Fauber and Ellen Gabler
PUBLISHED BY: Journal Sentinel and MedPage Today ON May 17, 2019
CASW Cohn Prize
Driving home from a hunting trip in 2008, Johnny Sullivan called his wife to say he was having trouble staying awake. …
Who Was That?
Eva Wolfangel
PUBLISHED BY: Die Zeit ON June 1, 2017
European Science Writer of the Year
Whenever you make a bank transfer via the Internet, you leave unique tracks. Using such biometric footprints, a discreet company identifies millions of users on behalf of banks. The users don’t know anything about it.
Storygram: Ed Yong’s “North Atlantic Right Whales Are Dying in Horrific Ways”
Ed Yong
October 8, 2019
PUBLISHED BY: The Atlantic ON June 27, 2019
Showcase Selection
Six individuals—more than 1 percent of the population—were found dead just this month, the latest entries in a troubling pattern.
Meet the ‘Rented White Coats’ Who Defend Toxic Chemicals
David Heath
PUBLISHED BY: The Center for Public Integrity ON February 8, 2016
NASW Science in Society Award
The series “Science for Sale,” which offers a rare glimpse into a world where corporate interests dictate their own science, won NASW’s Science in Society Award in 2017. Although the series includes a number of stories, the one re-published below […]
Earth’s Tectonic Activity May Be Crucial for Life—and Rare in Our Galaxy
Shannon Hall
PUBLISHED BY: Scientific American ON July 20, 2017
American Geophysical Union
Our planet is in constant flux. Tectonic plates—the large slabs of rock that divide Earth’s crust so that it looks like a cracked eggshell—jostle about in fits and starts that continuously reshape our planet—and possibly foster life. …
Storygram: Antonio Regalado’s “Exclusive: Chinese Scientists Are Creating CRISPR Babies”
Antonio Regalado
June 25, 2019
PUBLISHED BY: MIT Technology Review ON November 25, 2018
Not Applicable
When Chinese researchers first edited the genes of a human embryo in a lab dish in 2015, it sparked global outcry and pleas from scientists not to make a baby using the technology, at least for the present. …
Storygram: Marilynn Marchione’s “Chinese researcher claims first gene-edited babies”
Marilynn Marchione
June 25, 2019
PUBLISHED BY: Associated Press ON November 26, 2018
Not Applicable
HONG KONG (AP) — A Chinese researcher claims that he helped make the world’s first genetically edited babies — twin girls born this month whose DNA he said he altered with a powerful new tool capable of rewriting the very blueprint of life. …
CRISPR Storygrams
Antonio Regalado, Marilynn Marchione
PUBLISHED BY: MIT Technology Review and Associated Press ON November 1, 2018
Not Applicable
The Storygram series, in which professional writers annotate award-winning stories to illuminate what makes a great science story great, is a joint project of The Open Notebook and the Council for the Advancement of Science Writing. It is supported by a grant from the Gordon and Betty […]
Alive Inside
Mike Hixenbaugh
PUBLISHED BY: The Houston Chronicle ON December 3, 2017
AAAS Kavli Award
Danielle McNicoll wheeled her fiancé into his hospital room after physical therapy, then turned his power chair to face a mirror and ran her fingers through his hair. He never would have let it get this long, she thought. …
The Loneliest Polar Bear | Chapter 1
Kale Williams
PUBLISHED BY: The Oregonian ON October 16, 2017
AAAS Kavli Award
In the den, the walls were white like ice. Light came from a single red bulb. The air smelled of cool concrete, of straw piled thick, and of a heavy, captive musk. Somewhere, tucked under her 600-pound mother, was Nora. …